Welcome to our virtual Senior and Transit Center!
Nutrition and supportive aging services are provided in coordination with Area Agency on Aging under Title III of the Older Americans Act.
These services are aimed at enhancing overall quality of life while assisting seniors to remain independent and reduce institutionalization.
Services are available at 5 senior centers and through a variety of home-based programs.
The Connection reservation-based public transit service is available to all Hunt County residents.
you've visited our "online Senior Center" we hope you'll pay a visit
to one of our Hunt County, Texas locations and take advantage of all the services
we have to offer. We look forward to seeing you.
Same Day Service Now Available!
Mrs. Jaunice has volunteered for over 27 years
Meals on Wheels organizations is seeking volunteers!
Currently SCRPT serves approximately 12,000 meals a month to Hunt County residents.
However, this operation would not be possible without the help from approximately 100 volunteers. But the organization is still in need of more volunteers, due to the rise of clients needing meals each month.
Many areas to choose form:
Delivery Drivers- home delivered meals to homebound seniors.
Kitchen Volunteers- help to prepare and package the meals at the central kitchen in Greenville
Group Volunteer Project- are available for groups of volunteers who would like to work together
- Office Volunteer- are needed to help with program promotional activities, office support
Tel-A- Friend Volunteer- brighten the day of our seniors through regular phone calls
Group Sponsored Projects-allow groups to sponsor and conduct their own activities, such as food drives, to support Meals on Wheels
Example: L3 does an Adopted a Senior project every Christmas
Senior Center Resources and Public Transit
4912 Lee Street
Greenville, Tx 75401
Hunt County: 903.454.1444
FAX: 903.454.4150
Tele Relay: 1.800.735.2989
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Senior Center Resources and Public Transit
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